Friday, November 04, 2005

Illustration Friday challenge :Night

This is titled "Starry Night" since it is a take from Van G's famous piece. Of course, this will never become famous as it was done with the help of a 3 1/2 yr old with wax crayon, glitter, and tempera.


R. Soler said...

No será famoso me tiene mérito si te ayudó uno de 3 1/5!!!

Teri said...

Very nice interpretation of Night.

Todd DeWolf said...

That is so great that you had help! It is quite fun. Cheers!

purplefugue said...

interesting illio. you know, the crayons and glitter do add something to this - nicely done.

carla said...

I really like how this turned has the same kind of energy VVG's has! Fun collaboration, too:> Do I see an angel?

Aravis said...

Beautiful, and I recognized its inspiration right away. Not surprising, as it's on my mousepad. *G*